Transition Assessment Process

Transition Coalition

The Transition Assessment Process:Guiding Questions > Assessment Plan > Assessment Selection > Using DataAssessment can be conceptualized as a series of procedures that includes developing questions, collecting information, and making decisions. Transition assessment is not limited to employment, postsecondary education and independent living. Planning and implementing effective transition services requires information about many student domain areas, such as: health and …

Transition Assessment: Types, Approaches

Transition Coalition

Session 2 Within the subject of transition assessment, there are several types of assessments, as well as multiple approaches to conducting them. Typical assessment procedures for gathering information include: standardized tests interviews direct observation functional assessments curriculum-based assessments Additional ways to gather information from transition team members include: parent and family questionnaires observations employer interviews situational assessments community-based checklists and …

Person-Centered Planning for Transition Assessment

Transition Coalition

Allowing students to drive both the IEP and transition assessment is critical for identifying strengths, preferences, skills, and interests – one method for doing this is person-centered planning. Person-centered planning is a process to plan and support youth and families through a strengths-based lens, focusing on their capacity. Person-centered planning honors the individual’s contributions, preferences, choices, and abilities. It brings …

Self-Determination, Transition Assessment

Transition Coalition

The ultimate goal for transition assessment is to help students and families develop a strengths-based picture of themselves and their future. Transition assessment success depends upon building a positive profile. Students must foster self-determination and self-discovery, leading to the self-knowledge that will better inform student transition planning and decision-making. Transition assessments can and should assist students in making informed choices. …

Defining Transition Assessment

Transition Coalition

Now It’s Your Turn Think about your definition of transition assessment, and how you have applied it with students. Click on the quiz below to begin.

Understanding Transition Assessment

Transition Coalition

Transition assessment is a cornerstone of the transition planning process. Planning for transition is all about working with students and families to identify where a student excels, where they are interested in heading in their future, and what additional or ongoing support is needed. Transition assessment embodies many different methods and approaches. The exercise below will clear up a few …

Transition Assessment: The Big Picture

Transition Coalition

Why assess students with disabilities during transition planning?Every day, educators assess students for purposes of tracking progress, targeting areas for improvement, and providing feedback; however, secondary educators may not consider the comprehensive value of transition assessment. The Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA (2004)) requires that postsecondary goals be “based upon age-appropriate transition assessments related to training, education, employment, and, where …

Transition Assessment Post-Test

Transition Coalition

HiddenEmail(Required) Take the post-test below to determine your knowledge gain of the module content and earn your certificate of completion. Once you submit it, you will see your score and how you scored on each item. Your module details and certificate can be found in your Account > Member Dashboard.1. Which of these is a good way to ensure you …