Evidence-based Practices Do It Yourself, or EBP-DIY’s, provide opportunities to see an expert present on their topic of expertise, have access to important materials and resources, and how to’s on specific EBP’s so educators can do it themselves.

How to participate?
Follow these easy steps:

the EBP content specific recording

materials and resources

with your students

Video Modeling
Here are the steps and materials to learn how to create video modeling for teaching students a variety tasks. See different types of video modeling and and receive step-by-step instructions directly from Dr. Ryan Kellems (BYU), Dr. Leslie Bross (UNC-Charlotte), and Dr. Rachel Seaman-Tullis (University of West Georgia).

Transition Resources at Your Fingertips
Get MULTIPLE resources to use for transition planning in an easy-to-use format. The video provides information about how to use the resources in each section and the accompanying PDF/Excel spreadsheet includes the links.

Transition Resources for Addressing Individualized Needs (TRAIN)
Are you interested in secondary transition professional development in your department, school, or district? If so, the Transition Resources for Addressing Individualized Needs (TRAIN) document will provide you with a compiled list of ready-to-use and extendable resources from NTACT, Transition Coalition, and TransCen.

Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction (SDLMI)
Are you interested in supporting students to set and work towards their own goals? If so, the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction (SDLMI) is a useful instructional strategy! Take a look at this DIY to receive instruction from experts Kathryn Burke (Temple) and Sheida Raley (KU) on how to implement the SDLMI.

Response Prompting
Do you support young adults with disabilities in employment settings? If so, take a look at this resource to learn how to provide effective, high-quality response prompting in employment settings. Receive step-by-step how-to instructions and see examples directly from experts Dawn Rowe (ETSU) and Valerie Mazzotti (UNCC).

GO 4 IT…NOW! is a mnemonic writing strategy that encourages students to increase the content and quality of their writing. GO 4 IT…NOW! can be used to support students with all types of writing activities, including transition-related writing activities. Take a look at this resource to receive step-by-step how-to instructions and see examples directly from expert Dr. Moira Konrad (Ohio State University).