Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction (SDLMI)
Support students to set and work toward their goals with this instructional strategy. Dr. Kathryn Burke and Dr. Sheida Raley show you how to use the SDLMI.
Evidence-based Practices Do It Yourself, or EBP-DIY’s, provide opportunities to see an expert present on their topic of expertise, have access to important materials and resources, and how to’s on specific EBP’s so educators can do it themselves.
Support students to set and work toward their goals with this instructional strategy. Dr. Kathryn Burke and Dr. Sheida Raley show you how to use the SDLMI.
GO 4 IT…NOW! is a mnemonic writing strategy that encourages students to increase the content and quality of their writing. This DIY will show you all about it, and give guidance on how to teach it to students.
Get multiple resources for transition planning in an easy-to-use format.
Dr. Ryan Kellems (BYU), Dr. Leslie Bross (UNC-Charlotte), and Dr. Rachel Seaman-Tullis (University of West Georgia) demonstrate different types of video modeling and offer step-by-step instructions.
Dawn Rowe (ETSU) and Valerie Mazzotti (UNCC) guide you in providing effective, high-quality response prompting in employment settings.