View any of the Webinar video streams below to find new ways to enhance your secondary practices and programs!

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Ensuring that Work-based Learning for Students with Disabilities Aligns with the Fair Labor Standards Act Training Agreement
Dr. Mary Morningstar discusses the importance of work-based learning for youth with disabilities to promote employment post school outcomes. Ensuring employment programs adhere to the requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act Training Agreement (1992) is an important aspect of positive work-based learning programs. Become familiar with the four components of the FLSA and requirements for work-based learning experiences.

Strategies for Building Student Engagement-Reducing Dropout and Disciplinary Exclusion
Dr. Reece Peterson, professor at University of Nebraska-Lincoln presents an Ask the Experts webinar entitled Strategies for Building Student Engagement-Reducing Dropout and Disciplinary Exclusion. Dr. Peterson provides 40+ strategies schools can use to reduce student dropout and decrease the use of exclusionary discipline consequences.

Strategies & Resources for Students with Complex Support Needs in Distance Learning Environments
Providing educational and employment in virtual and distance learning environments for students with complex support needs is extremely challenging. NTACT and partner organizations provide guidance, examples and assistance for transition-focused instruction and other activities for students with complex support needs.

How do you know Students are College and Career Ready?
Sponsored by NTACT, join us as Drs. Lombardi, Mazzotti, and Morningstar describe the development of a new measure, College and Career Readiness for Transition (CCR4T). They will present the CCR4T framework and offer several opportunities for local, district and state-level professionals to provide input and feedback. Practitioners can also learn about participating in a national field-test of the CCR4T for students with and without disabilities in high schools.

Effective Strategies to Build Collaborative Partnerships
Sponsored by NTACT, Melissa Diehl and Ruth Allison will provide information regarding effective strategies and tools to build collaborative partnerships between VR and LEAs to improve the coordination of services for students with disabilities.

CIRCLES: Interagency Collaboration
Sponsored by NTACT, Nellie Aspel, NC, Jennifer Williams, Fran Ennis, and Crissie Parks, AR will provide information about implementation of CIRCLES (Communicating Interagency Relationships and Collaborative Linkages for Exceptional Students) in their own region/school district. You will learn about the program, how to get started, as well as sustainability.

I’m Determined
Sponsored by NTACT, Amanda Randall and John McNaught, state coordinators of the Virginia Department of Education’s I’m Determined Project will share resources, strategies and stories on implementing I’m Determined in your school. Learn how to incorporate youth, educator and parent perspectives in the self-determination process in order replicate outreach activities and classroom strategies. All resources are free and available for download at www.imdetermined.org

Transition Tips to Start Your Year Off RIGHT!
Sponsored by NTACT, Dr. Mary Morningstar and Sarah Roberts share strategies about what you can do to start your year off right. Learn about the most important domains for transition, and how to prioritize your time and energies! Get ideas, new resources, advice and strategies.