Assessment Jeopardy

Transition Coalition

Click on the quiz below to play Assessment Jeopardy!

Informal Assessments

Transition Coalition

Informal methods include: case file reviews oral histories structured interviews situational assessment observations rating scales curriculum-based assessments Informal assessments are prevalent in schools, and are easily created or modified and shared among educators. These approaches can provide necessary information of student learning characteristics and are often effective in helping teachers develop and implement more individualized instruction. Informal assessments require both …

Formal Assessments

Transition Coalition

Formal assessment measures include standardized instruments and procedures that are norm-referenced, contain sufficient evidence of validity and reliability, and require detailed administrative and scoring procedures. Formal assessments use specific procedures that allow results to be accurate across different students and situations. Some examples of formal assessments include: academic achievement tests intellectual functioning assessment adaptive behavior scales interest inventories quality-of-life scales …

Purposes of Assessment

Transition Coalition

“Why assess?” In general, assessment facilitates self-awareness and decision-making around critical life choices through identifying, informing, discussing, and providing transition services.The overall purposes of transition assessment are to: Identify students’ strengths, interests and preferences. Determine measurable postsecondary goals. Develop learning experiences (instruction) and transition services. Identify supports (linkages) needed to accomplish postsecondary goals. Evaluate transition instruction and services. Have you …

Quality Indicators Needs Assessment (QI-2)

Quality Indicators of Exemplary Transition Program Needs Assessment (QI-2) The Quality Indicators of Exemplary Transition Program Needs Assessment (QI-2) is designed to help determine the most critical needs within transition programs.The QI-2: is a valid and reliable instrument to help identify and prioritize critical needs in a transition program (Morningstar, Lee, Lattin & Murphy, 2015). can be used by a …

Transition Services Examples

Transition Coalition

The transition services are broad enough so you can be very creative (but specific) providing them to students! Below are just a few specific examples for each service. Can you think of others? Instruction Tour postsecondary education and career technical programs Meet with military recruiters to discuss educational benefits Enroll in a study skills class Enroll in general education coursework …

When Transition Planning Must Start

Transition Coalition

When Transition Planning Must Start“Beginning no later than the first IEP in effect when the student turns 16 and annually thereafter …”3(Section 614)IDEA clearly states that transition planning begins when writing the IEP that will be in effect when the student turns 16 years old. IDEA does allow for flexibility of starting transition planning at a younger age if deemed …

Transition and the IEP

Transition Coalition

The IEP is like a road map for reaching the student’s and family’s vision for the future. This means a sufficient amount of time, energy, and planning must be given when developing a transition IEP. In Session 2 you will: Identify and understand the major components of the IEP for transition Review IEP components according to IDEA laws and regulations …

Transition is … a Coordinated Effort

Transition Coalition

Schools coordinate transition services by linking various agencies and outside services for students. A coordinated set of activities relies on services and people both in and outside of school. Schools must work with outside agencies, families, and the students themselves to effectively implement transition planning. IDEA requires schools to invite agencies that might be responsible for providing or paying for …

Best Practices in Planning for Transition

Transition Coalition

Emerging in 1990, the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) began to address transition services. While school districts have created procedures to meet the IDEA requirements, educators continue to strive for more evolved, quality transition planning and services. The purpose of this module is to provide a general working knowledge of the IDEA transition requirements. You will learn about the spirit …