New Student Roles

Transition Coalition

One problem with traditional approaches to assessment is students are often passive recipients and seldom know how the measures are relevant to their daily lives3(Sitlington et al., 1997). Traditional assessments also frequently focus on weaknesses and are not written in the voice of today’s students. Facilitating self-determination and incorporating person-centered planning requires students be prepared for a fully empowered position …

Organize Your Team

Transition Coalition

So, you have people signed up for the interagency team … now what? Whether you are just starting your team or are trying to expand an existing team, organizational strategies will ensure you accomplish your goals. But, how do you go about organizing an interagency team? Click on the strategies below from Morningstar, Noonan, Lattin, & Clavenna-Deane (2006) for some …

Student Level Teams

Transition Coalition

Student-level teams focuses on a specific student and the supports and services they need for success after high school. Purpose  To develop an effective transition plan for each student  Students share measurable postsecondary goals  Transition services are coordinated across school and community settings  Students and families meet with community agencies  Team communicates with student and family about supports and progress …

Study Guides

Study Guides TC modules are comprehensive, free, and research based. Our Module Study Guides can help you learn the content more deeply and apply the concepts to your work! Organized around each module, the study guides are intended to help you further harness the concepts. Do better! Use these guides individually or as professional development with a group.Study guides help …


Self-Study The Transition Coalition Self-Study is designed to support district or building teams to learn and make meaningful and incremental improvement in their secondary special education programs.”I have learned so much more about transition from the TC Self-Study than I ever thought I could. It’s a wonderful way to learn and work with my colleagues.” – District Transition Coordinator “I …

Evaluate Results

Transition Coalition

As the school year progresses, the IEP should review the progress related to activities, achievements, and services toward all measurable postsecondary and IEP goals. Reviewing goals is necessary to ensure they are being met according to the timeline and still relevant to the student. The transition services must be reviewed so they are provided in a timely way and still …

Chase’s Completed IEP

Transition Coalition

Review Chase’s completed IEP. Think about how transition drives every aspect of his IEP. (Please note that this is a sample IEP, you do not type or check anything on this form)Student Name: Chase WilliamsDate of IEP:1. Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional PerformancePresent Level must include: How the child’s disability affects his/her involvement and progress in the general …

Develop the IEP

Transition Coalition

If the vision for the future is the final destination, then the IEP can be considered the road map – and measurable postsecondary goals, transition services and annual goals are the vehicles to get you down the road. More Information Include the student in the development of the IEP and during the IEP meeting to ensure the focus is on …

Identifying Strengths, Needs, Preferences, and Interests

Transition Coalition

The best way to do this is to give the student, their family, professionals, and others access to information needed to guide their vision for the future. Your transition assessment process is a great starting point for this process. Accumulating perspectives from people who know the student will provide a better picture of their future. A variety of people can …

Michael’s Present Levels

Transition Coalition

Remember Michael from Session 1?  The present levels section of his IEP provides transition assessment information from a variety of sources. Click on the quiz below to read through the example IEP section and discover the various assessments used to develop his current levels. Test your knowledge when you are through.