Students as Key Players

Transition Coalition

Every interagency team may look different based on each unique community. However, there are key players who should participate. Forming an interagency team? Consider key players critical to your team. Enhancing an interagency team? Add unique members to enhance collaboration! Remember, in Session 3 you will learn more about unique strategies to support and encourage each member to participate. It …

Strategies & Resources for Students with Complex Support Needs in Distance Learning Environments

Providing educational and employment in virtual and distance learning environments for students with complex support needs is extremely challenging. NTACT and partner organizations provide guidance, examples and assistance for transition-focused instruction and other activities for students with complex support needs.Download resources for this Webinar:1. FIN – Parent-Virtual-Tips-SWD2. Stop-Look-and-Listen-Supported-Decision-Making-Tool-_FINAL (11)3. COVID-19 AND SOCIAL INSURANCE AND BENEFIT PROGRAMS 4.10.20 v24. Strategies & …

Meet Olivia Clark

Transition Coalition

Olivia Clark is 19 years old. Home and school life She is currently enrolled in the district’s community-based transition program located at a small community college in her town. She can stay enrolled in this program until she turns 21 years old. She lives with her mom and two siblings in a rural community. Her mom has supported the family …

5. Career Development and Integrated Paid Employment

Transition Coalition

Research is clear that paid work in high school leads to post-school employment. Students 18-21 years old and involved in CBTPs should have a goal to complete several work-based learning experiences leading to paid integrated employment. This is often a shift for programs with only unpaid vocational training in high school. Comprehensive work-based learning includes specific experiences within desired career …

Predictors of Postschool Success: What this Means for CBTPs

Transition Coalition

Current research has identified predictors leading to integrated employment, postsecondary education and independent living. These six research-based areas should be considered when developing or enhancing existing CBTPs. 1.Inclusion Students who are included with same age peers are more likely to have successful transitions. Results from Think College show that students with intellectual disability enrolled in inclusive postsecondary education programs are …


Transition Coalition

Transition planning predicated on specific requirements in IDEA that target an outcome-oriented process. Transition planning requires families and professionals to think and act differently as a student ages. Effective and meaningful transition planning involves the student, the family, school staff, and oftentimes community members and agencies. How others are involved during transition process and providing services may make a significant …

Implement the IEP

Transition Coalition

Remember the definitions of transition services you have learned? Let’s see how well you know your stuff and how well you can match the terms! Click on the quiz below to get started.REVIEWClick here to review descriptions of transition services from Session 2 of this module.